San Diego Housing Commission
Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report:
A Decade of Innovation
The San Diego Housing Commission’s (SDHC) story over the last 10 years is one of transformation—from a traditional public housing authority to an organization recognized nationally for its innovative approaches to providing housing assistance for low-income and homeless families in the City of San Diego.

That is why SDHC’s Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018) Annual Report includes a retrospective highlighting a decade of innovation at SDHC.

An important public outreach resource, this multimedia report provides timelines of significant achievements, graphics demonstrating the impact of SDHC’s programs, as well as embedded videos of the stories of families SDHC serves.

SDHC's Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report was published online on November 13, 2018, and is accessible on SDHC’s website, This report is a valuable tool that enhances the agency’s outreach to inform stakeholders, program participants, and the public about SDHC’s housing assistance programs.
SDHC's Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report promotes government transparency and helps SDHC reach a wider audience efficiently. Online publication is a major cost savings compared to relying primarily on the publication of costly printed reports that reach a smaller audience of stakeholders and clients.
SDHC performs three major program functions to create affordable housing opportunities in the City of San Diego:
      · Federal rental housing assistance provider for more than 15,000 low-income         households, annually;
      · Partner to address homelessness, including HOUSING FIRST – SAN DIEGO,  SDHC’s landmark homelessness action plan; and
      · Affordable housing developer, investor, lender and administrator of the City of San Diego's affordable housing programs.

SDHC's Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report allowed SDHC to present a comprehensive account of its achievements in these programs in a format that is engaging, easy to understand, and appealing.
SDHC's Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report was created in-house by SDHC’s Communications & Government Relations Division, in collaboration with the entire agency. The design and execution of the report used a full range of Adobe Creative Cloud applications:
Print and Layout: InDesign, Illustrator
Photos: Photoshop, Camera Raw, and Bridge; and
Video: Premiere and After Effects.
Video interviews with program participants detail the stories of individuals whose lives SDHC has positively impacted over the last 10 years, as well as within Fiscal Year 2018, such as Shavonne, a former rental assistance participant who became a business owner, a homeowner, and college graduate with help from an SDHC self-sufficiency program.
Timelines were created for each section of the Annual Report to highlight SDHC milestones of the last 10 years, and layouts and graphics were created to creatively and clearly display data showing the impact of SDHC’s programs through the years.
The report has been viewed online more than 1,800 times since it was posted on SDHC’s website, with an Average Read Time of more than nine minutes.

In addition, on November 14, 2018, the San Diego Union-Tribune, the largest print publication in San Diego (with a reported circulation of more than 144,000), mentioned SDHC’s multimedia report prominently, and directed readers to SDHC’s website to read the report.
After it was finalized, the report was uploaded to a communications tool, giving SDHC the ability to embed videos, charts, documents and graphics.
The pages actually turn – just like in a magazine – and a table of contents allows readers to quickly navigate to sections of the report.
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